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[[underlined]] Grahams Ranch [[/underlined]], lunch, 6750
17 miles north of Opal
Peromyscus in road
Coyotes  6 seen
Cottontails abn
L. campestris com.
Cynomys leucurus " [[Ditto for: com]]
Sage grous abn

[[underlined]] Fonteinelle [[/underlined]] 6 P.M. 6800 ft, 13 miles - 30 miles from Opal.

[[underlined]] March 21 [[/underlined]] - 32 above zero
1[[overwritten]] 8 [[/overwritten]] 9 above by minimum
Thawing by noon
Agelaius phoenicus 6
Parus heard
Mink track
Beaver, said to be a few
Lynx - said to be com.

[[underlined]] March 22 [[/underlined]] 30 above zero 6950
Minimum 10 abov.
Lynx track.
Lepus campestris 3 pure white
Snow out to 2 feet deep

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[[start page]]

[[underlined]] La Barge [[/underlined]], noon, 
Photographed wolf [[scarecrow?]] 
ranch looking down creek & " " [[Dittos for: ranch looking]] up creek
Magpies - at ranch
Otocosis " [[Ditto for: at ranch]]
Cynomys leucurus 1 at ranch a few more farther out & one at Midway.
[[underlined]] Midway [[/underlined]] - 5 P.M.
Otocoris com
Rosy finch (6 at barn) 1 in house
[[underlined]] aneroid [[/underlined]] 7000

[[underlined]] March 23 Midway [[/underlined]] 6800

Cynomys out after 10
Weasel tracks com.
Coyote - [[strikethrough]] tracks [[/strikethrough]] 4 pairs of tracks
One caught contained 9 pups
Rosy finch 1 on barn
Magpie heard

[[underlined]] Big Piney [[/underlined]] 7000

Transcription Notes:
L. campestris = prairie hare Peromyscus = deer mouse Fonteinelle - Vernon's misspelling of Fontenelle, a town in Wyoming I'm pretty sure Vernon might have talked (in previous projects) of things tied to trees and fences to scare wolves away. This may be what he's refering to here. - @siobhanleachman l. campestris doesn't make sense here since they are mushrooms and there is snow on the ground. But, I can't figure out what else it could be. - Lepus campestris is a prairie hare so am assuming he's talking about that.