Viewing page 18 of 28

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] May 11 [[/underlined]] Silver City, 7:30

[[underlined]] Santa Rita [[/underlined]]
Lanius l. 1
Habia [[melanouplala?]] com

[[underlined]] Mimbres [[/underlined]]
Troglodytes a. aztecus 1
Piranga ludoviciana com
[[strikethrough]] Callipipea [[/strikethrough]] Lophostrix gambeli 7. " [[Ditto for: com]]
Callipepla squamosa, said to be com
Lophostrix californias ? " [[Ditto for: said to be com]] a few
" [[Ditto for: Lophostrix]] mesina " " [[Ditto for: said to be com]] a few

[[underline]] GOS Ranch on Sappelo Cr [[/underline]]
[[underline]] May 12 [[/underline]]
Petrochilidous   abn. breeding
Cyanocephalus  abn
Cyanocitta macrolopha  2
Mimus pollyglottos  2
Carpodacus portalis  com
Cathartes aura " [[Ditto for: com]]
Piranga ludoviceana " [[Ditto for: com]]
Progne s. hesperus,  nests in pine

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] May 12 [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Over to camp on Mimbres [[/underline]]
Sayorius saya  nest in old house
" [[Ditto for: Sayorius]] nigricans nest in shed & another nest on cliff over water.
Contopus richardsoni  com
Cyanocitta a few
Cathartes aura 2
Zenaidura abn.
Accipiter velox  1
[[Melkverpes?]]  com
Dryolates harrisi ?   1
Colaptes cafer  com
[[strikethrough]] Whip [[/strikethrough]]
Antrostomus stephensi  heard
Dendroica nigrescens [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] ? 1
Carpodacus frontalis  com
Tyrannus vociferous  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Piranga ludoviciana  " [[Ditto for: com]]
" [[Ditto for: Piranga]] cooperi  1
Spizella arizonai  com
[[Habia melairaplala?]]   1
Sialia   com
[[Merula v. propinqua?]]  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Troglodytes d. aztecas  " [[Ditto for: com]]
[[Sitla pygenia?]]  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Aphelocoma woodhousi  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Progne s. hesperus  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Salprinctes   1
Meleagris merriami, feathers
Aquila chrysaetos - 1 reported

Transcription Notes:
Cyanocephalus will be for a bird species such as Brewer's blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus) Have checked latin species names as I go but any in [[?]] I just can't find either because I can't read the writing or it doesn't come up on google. Left Vernon's spelling mistakes.