Viewing page 19 of 28

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[[underlined]] May 13 [[/underlined]] Camp in Mimbus
[[left margin curved bracket]] Buteo b. [[calverus?]] 2,  one with S. alberti - [[/curved bracket]]
Falco sparverius  1
Dendroica  2  skins

[[underlined]] May 14 [[/underlined]]
Spizella arizonas, nest & 4 eggs
Catherpes     a few in canyons
Cyanocephalus 1

[[underlined]] May 15 [[/underlined]]
Psattriparus plumbeous    4
Dendroica auduboni 2
[[Merula m. propingua?]], nest & 4 eggs
Piranga hepatica, a pair
Empidovox  ...   2
Sitta nelsoni    1
Cyanocitta macrolopha 1
Vireo   com
Pipilo arcticus  a few
[[Tachanita thallassina?]], com
[[Agelitos vociferous?]]  1 down river,

[[underlined]] May 19 [[/underlined]]
Setophagapicta    a pair

[[underlined]] May 20 [[/underlined]]         
Mirvas pollyglottos    2
Sialia arctica   a few
Zophoslyx gambili  2 in Terry Canyon 
Cyrtorugx   2 May 21,

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Parus gambili

[[underlined]] May 24 [[/underlined]] - up Powderhorn
[[Syrnceem?]]   heard
[[underlined]] May 25. [[/underlined]]  back to Cooney Place
Wolf got away

[[underlined]] May 26 [[/underlined]]
Bubo -  1 seen

[[underlined]] May 27 [[/underlined]]
Lophophanes  1

Phrynosoma hernandisi - a few
3 small red ones on mesa
1 small black in canyon
Sceloporus small. com
" [[Ditto for: Sceloporus]] large 1
[[Entanca?]]   2