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Went to Detroit Academy of Art out on Jefferson Ave. - A very creditable exhibit - the same old busted lot of casts & many good marbles.
A large collection of Ethnological stuff including Indian baskets wrongly named.  The paintings are in part fair to good.  Two excellent cattle pictures by Howie that you would take for Rose Bonhem's.  A good copy of the Death of Mozart & several other large & comparably good pictures. 
Took a trolly out Woodward Ave. to edge of country so got cross sections of the city.  It is apparently of the size & thrift of Minneapolis with possibly more manufacturing & large wholesale houses.  Lots of shipping picketed along the wharves.
Came back to depo & 3 P.M. to write & read. Cold enough for overcoat all day.  Fresh & crisp 
{ no flowers,
{ not much green.