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The one who got cold first would wake up & rebuild the fire & we would roll over with the cold side toward the warmpth & go to sleep again. The night was not very cold, probably 20 above 0, just cold enough to make a good crust on the snow that held us in the morning. 
Mammals are scarcer - saw tracks of 2 coon, a few skunk, 1 mink, a few red squirrels, 1 woodchuck, a few porcupine & varying hares, a red fox & a few old wolf tracks in the ice on lakes.

Birds are also scarce. Saw a few crows & my man said he saw a robin this morning. & 2 pileated woodpeckers
Saw one ruffed grouse & a few woodpeckers. Heard a saw-whet owl in evening & a barred owl.

Came about 17 miles today, partly on lakes & the rest on snowshoes & soft snow.