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[[underlined]] April 5 [[/underlined]] - At Munising, Beach Inn.
A cold morning with good fresh tracking snow & a biting north wind off the lake.
Mr Jopling got a man & team & outfit & started me for Miner Creek and Chapel Lake along the Pictured Rocks. This country is rocky & may contain wolf dens & seems to be the only available breeding ground near Munising. Mr. Jopling reports a wolf on the Grand Island again this morning & is sending men over to hunt it.
The ice is not very safe and the crossing is difficult & somewhat dangerous. It would spoil a day, so I did not go to the Island.
Got off about 9 A.M. with J.F. Murry for camp man. Struck east around shore of bay & into woods through Indian Town (a settlement of Chippewaes) and up the shore to Miners River near its mouth, 15 miles from town. Here we found a comfortable lumber camp with stable - lately deserted house, big stove & bunks full of hay & plenty of cooking dishes. Camped here put the horses in the stable & got a late dinner.
Then I struck out for a hunt through the woods till sundown.