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Feb 3d. Sat.
Pretty comfy night when I got settled. and good bath Up pretty early and break in room . Off at nine without seeing anyone.
To Acad and varnished Dr Howell leaving himlooking pretty well. and quite proud of Mrs Merriman. Mr Chase spoke of it to me but dont think the others cared much for it.
In Anne carriage down to Arts and Crafts to complain of lette ing on coffee spoons .. Saw some very good jewelry by a young girl and ordered a pin. Back to do some telephining to people about ex . and got off in twelve no one train Lydia staying on.
Called up Harry and had nice talk but did not see.
Horrid trip back parlor car attached to engine . An imposit ion .. and felt almost sick the rest of the day.
Very glad to get back Much mail including a note from A.P.A saying Mrs Huntinton Wilson wants to give a lunch for me in Washington.  Jack came in and I had not much time to  rest Off to din ar Beatrix Jones . Very jolly little din.
The M'Keevors . Matthews Mr Welling and young Keppel .. M Miss Mahon . Mr Welling brought me home. in taxi mine did not come.
Sunday Feb 4th.
Slept pretty late and very glad I had no engagements. except Jack to sit for A.P.A's coat . This a very strenuous morning aftervall.   Jack and I lunch downstairs. an after right out .. Terribly cold and were going to walk but decided t to get in bus and go to the Cathedral .. Wonderful and sat ti four waiting . Then processi_nal and service. Not back till five thirty and I to G's . No I as going inbut didnt. Jack at din and after were beginning to have wonderful time by fire reading MY Verses when F and R came in [[underlined]] and we danced [[/underlined]] .
After they left Jack and I till late . wonderful talk. and precious hour.
Mon Feb 5th.
Up earlier than I wanted to be ready for Mrs P. who came and I was glad to begin again not much moved by all I had sen meanwhile. May came and read. more on The Shareefa. I got on pretty well hair and forehead.
Note fr QA .P.A abou dates for din here and got a note off a atvonce to Ethel Roosevelt. Not much rest in aft as  had to