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Tues Feb 6th.
Up pretty well and ready for Mrs P. Very hard work on eye. and no reading. She brought me a marvellous tropical lily.
Tel fr Ethel R. that she will be delighted to come and I sent let a once to A'P'A. Good rest and out in aft to shop for candle sticks and bought corner cupboard and frame for A.P.A at GFreunds. No sign of Jack till eve He had been with his brother. Tel from A P.A wyen I got in EOWN I should have telegraphed. Two tels sent and another letter. Tel to Dunn asking himand awfully nice. Will come als Thomas will come in eve. Very worried. Jack came and I overflowed to him. Rosamond teling to him to go out wit her but he was tired and preferred to stay with me.
Wed Feb 7th.
Right on with face and getting down. Fussy .. Hope to get it out of this. Lots of newspaper notices from H Thouron I amd hardly mentioned and the articles are rotten leaving out almosrt mention of some of the best things. Davies hardly a word. Many replies to my requesta for pics and Mrs Perkin[[s?] will let Dorotyhy go. Also Mrs Bennett.
Out to Mrs Ditsons and found sort of musicale going on and some interesting young players. Then to see Miss Irwin at the Schuylers. Many fine people. Mrs P Morgan chatting [[?]] with Mrs Davidge and Miss Mason. Mrs Sturgis and Mrs Schuyler Warren. Mr M'c Kim came in hjust as I was leaving. They have invited me to go with them to Orfea on Sat. Morgans box. Back and soon Jack came in We had din downstairs with the Glenny's and up here after. I got into comfy things and he lay on floor beside and I read till late. 
Firs The ballad of Reading Jaol..and the Chuchulain.. He was delightted .. What precious hours. It is life to do such things. So much more than any thing but work. [[pencil]] who is Jack? [[/pencil]]