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^[[B. 1854]] Monday Jan Ist 1912. ^[[She is 57]]
Very dreary morning..and up rather late. Two good letters from Etta and Ern. Went out for short run and then wrote much.. Ros called up and I went in to 24 to goose. Just the females of fam and very jolly but still no mention of xmas. So queer. Talked of the Dekay party in eve and how near I came to NOT doing it. .. F and Olivia played VERY well and then I wen[[t?]] home and slpt . Up late to go to Birkheads . Out so sorry Then to Mrs Vans also out alas. Wound up at Rumsey's and had charming visit talking to both. Stayed late and went in to 24 to syp. Was by fire with H when Rodman came in .. In hall as D descended with the necklac all came out. FUROR. They could [n] not believe they had not done it.  Too funny . and al[l] was well of course.   Aunt Julia came in and Ros and I decide[d] to go to DeKays.  Carriage for ten clk and my treat R Chumley Jones went with. . I wore scarlet .. Crush of crowds of interesting people. Many int to me and the greates time. Dunn was there so beautiful and charming. It was a GIFT to meet him again and such meting . AND J. Wilkie. wonderful. and standing 
[[vertical pencil line in left margin]] near . . I am afraid of him... Augustus Thomas. was one . I felt alm[o]st too free and happy among admiring eyes and bending over heads.   This should not happen often I should deceive myself and think I could have it and that it was not too late for EYES. Home feelin very happy. [[/left margin]]
Tues Jan 2d 
Woke full of the ones I had met so nearly last night with a consciousness of what dearth there is of contacts I desire This must be I suppose.   Wrote and went out .. short run . Scanty lunch here and rest . Then down to Susan and Madge Huntington's studio in S Wash Sq. How reminding of old days. Fine place and very artificial lly brutal work .. Some how right though as decoration . Jolly talk with Jonas Lie who was there. Hardly anyone else. Walked up and seemed short . Left card on Miss Bigelow and Mrs Guerin. out alas. Dear box from Terence with misteltoe and sprig of holly. D came in as I wrote and stayed to din rather provoking queerly impertinent.   I read A.P.A's James book .. Thoma Davidson. ..