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Tues Jan 9th.
[[strikethrough]] Wednesday 19th [[/strikethrough]]
Getting ready for Birkhead and he cam punctually. Awfully nice and so vital.  Did not do very well though  Too much talk. and shall try another go at it.  He told me some surprising things. that he would not be in St Georges another year.  This is REGRETTABLE.  Rest and reading .. and in eve to G's.
Wed Jan IIth.
Wrote and did such like things.  and cant remember. more. Jack and great time. Din together at Guffantis and walk to see fire.  Delightful to have him.
Thurs. Jan 12th.
Was going to do Birkhead and called up .. I thought it too cold in studio and was satisfied as I wanted to attend to Jack Telephoning all morn and getting him pretty good place near but cold..Chumley Joness and nice interest in him. Richard inviting us to dine there.  We went and found five young men..Very jolly time and nice start for Jack.  Went in later to G's and introduced him..
Fri Jan I3th.
Snowy and in house till aft when I went out and bought a bag and valise for my trip.
Jack and I to meet the G's at Opera.  Siegfried. Morgan box. First time for J. So lovely to have him.
He and I back alone and he came up and had cigarette. and anisette.  Very good times for me.
A.P.A will spend Sunday with him.