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Tues Mch 5th.
Cold better but rather dep mail . The Marlatts have decided to have the portrait but not yet , Want to go to Europe next su sum.. Int with Anna very depressing . but left no very bad traces. Paying bills and feling poor  Mr Kremer called up last eve to say he had decided to have Mrs K done and would like to come in eve to see me . Engaged them for Thurs.
H.Wolfe called up wanting to int about making wood rep of one of my things. and arranged for today.  Out for short run but very raw. Long rest after lunch and reading same . Wolfe came and had pretty good talk . Carried off the Sedgwick to show Harpers. Says the art is going out and he andvCole are the last . Sad. to think of.
Fran came in H not so well. and I made great effort to get myself off to Gayleys din and Op.  Dear Jack appeared while I was dressing looking well but could not see him a moment . Did not want to go a bit and was tre mendously bundled up but of course revived when I got there. Two int men Dr Dade and Dr Martim . Cocktail only too reviving. Much good talk at din . and then to "Jewells of the Madonna. Wolf Ferrari. First time . Very striking. and deligytful time int by Mrs Watson . "Mamie" who insisted on routing Dr D out of his seat to talk to me. Got lost going out called by Mrs Ditmon She had got some one to hear the scamp who deceived me.. Did not take more could except in getting my dress off. 
Wish I could see Dr M again .

Wrote to Sophie and dear letter from Etta.
Wed Mch 6th
Still very lazy .. in the mornings. Dont get anything done .. but some writing. Still good news from the ex. Snow..
After rest expected Mrs Child bu did not come .. At 5.30 Mrs Watson .. ratyer plaintive . long visit and as she weht Jack .. .. rather abused because I am going out both these nights.. Helena still very mis. Hated to goout to Sam's din . Cold still so bad . Found quite a big party Mrs Dana Gibson Helen Bryce and several others including H Otis who I was glad to see again . Sam has lost all good looks but was very nice. Wife quite a character. .. Got home at Io30 and found Jack here . sat a while and undid my dress for me.