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Wed Mch 20th.
  Did not start very early and as we were going around Public Building both horsesfell. Tableau. I had to go to sta to get seat for aft and banck as I WAS. A spectacle. but W came me with other horse and I was not late. Got pretty well dow[[n]] head.. He makees many revelations .. Very jolly.     
  Lunch there and back as fast as poss to rest and pack my bag. Off at 3.30 and very comfy trip. short with Jean Christo ThC Freunds on train and little chat. Taxi and f[[o]]und Anna all ready for me. Violets and roses from Anne with. 
  Pretty tired and din with the Glenny's Mrs G after.     
Ernesta at G's and came in Wondrous beauty. 
Thurs Mch 21st. 
  Very tired .. Spent morning getting up Kremer sur[[r]]oundings. and not quite satisfied with effect .. Could not get shadow very well arranged... Much stretching up. 
  Did not want to move sofa so lay down on it in studio.
  Beginning "Antoinette". Pictures coming back.  
  Snow and cold after rest called G's and got Fran to go with me to see the Sargent watercolors. at Durand Ruels. CHARM. How I would love to do just such things. 
  Walked all the way back. .. Mrs Br4d had called up asking me for Mona " Sat and I went in to G's to din. H up and better. 
  Came home early to write and succumbed on sofa to "Antoinette." Then wrote accomplishing quite a little "thanks."
Fri Mch 22d.
Pretty good night and up betimes.. expecting Kremer. At ten punctually and dress too light as I feared. I shall have to subdue it with chiffon. and var ious divices. She brought Rienzi to read and nice girl came and read every moment. Feel a little puzzled over background. 
  Was ready for Fitchie and party at four but they did not come till half past the usual way. Mr C. Dekay called up ask to come. Is to write about me for "Good housekeeping." 
  Mr and Mrs Birckhead and his mother came on top .. the [[dea ?]] to see the drawing. enthusiasm. Then a young man to ask me to speak to a Teachers Club at Columbia. Mr Dekay then and loo