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Sat June 29th. [[hand-written, in pencil]] Gloucester [[/hand-written]]
  Lovely day but wanting rain. Lng cofab with B about the lunch to morrow. Did some picking up in the studio which looks bleak and as if nothing was doing and it is'nt. Note from Dorothea not wanting to come now . T is there The reason . I should be glad unles he is just fooling.    And lovely letter from J.W. Though he had not received mine. .......
Did a lott of writing but there is nothing to remembe [[pencil, vertical line in left margin to highlight following lines, to end of paragraph]] these days The best time is morning after break . Depression comes in aft . when nothing seems wort doing. Noise of autos and motors continuous and a large part of my dissatisfaction. [[end vertical pencil line]]
   Was walking out in search of organ grinder after sup when I met the Halls . Sodelightful to have them here at last . They came in to the studio tho it was dark and tried of themselves to see the potrait of A.P.A which was on the easel Reviving to have someone frankly take an interest HERE.
   We went to their lot and sat on rock and discussed it. Later I called up Sl but he was in B.
   Slept on sofa and night too.
Sun June 30th.
Cold again but grew milder fortuneately and we could have lunch out.
   I fussed about touching things up. Also wrote and took dip. meeting the Greenoughs in water.
   Got into Blue dress and hat and they all came punctually So nice to have Dr Peterson . The lunch was perfect . Wish I didnt always feel that Sl criticises my feasts . I do not WANT to be so superfluouslyx extravagant and luxurious.   We talked suffrage and various serious thing s and could not get done. Col Brooks very anti.    Coffe in West loggia. and then all went to Sls .. Enthus of cours Sl back with me and brought Joe Thomas book on wolf i hounds . Later I went in to Halls and after sup to see the A's Mr A talking Convention very interestingly and sanely. They walked back with me . Sl had been here and came back later . Walk in moonrise to pond Wonderful low red moon anf rog cello solo. Longed p for it to be MORE LONELY.