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Fri Mch 29th.
Rain and muggy. Jrs Clement came from Of's badly stretched and I had to have Anna and a colored boy do it all over again. Went to Mrs D Robinsons at 3.30 to hear Jaccacci. Small number of women including Joznna and F Markoe. and was very glad to see Mrs R again after all her troubles. looking just the same. Jaccacci read paper about his book. Notable pictures in America. Had talk with Mrs Marquand and Mrs LEAVITT about Birkhead. Joanna came down in car with me. They are going to Europe and the Halls are to have their house  Anna got me early supper and I got off for Phil in seven train. Such a quuer thing to do and I dont like it. Hansom to I9I4. Al the fam in Morstein but the servants took good care of me and I was very comfy.
Sat Mch 30th.
Up betimes and off in carr to get brushes etc.. Mr C came a little before I was ready VERY difficult. So big and so full of modelling. I began to feel somewhat wor[[r]]ied. but he is encouraging.   Had lunch there and back to rest  No one here and I decided to go to Emma's to din. after getting Maria Lansdale to come to tea and go to drive. To the park  Lovely day and all looking beautiful Nice to get so much air. Rather boring at Emma's. Her two Mac Taggarts. 
Hom e early and to bed.
Sunday. Mch 3Ist.
Off again and did not feel like it. Seemed like Sunday. Got started at ten and had very long morning.
Back to heavy lunch alone as Caroline did not come. Long rest reading Brieux play. Maternite. A false note.
Had teled to Mrs Jayne and went down there to tea at five.. So nice to see them M came in to and we had long talk. Then to Williams. to din en fam. Talcott ther and very sweet They liked my hair and I did Sophie's for her.  T walked home with me telling all ablut new plans for life in N.Y.
I9I4 very  big and lonely.