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Thurs Sept 12th.
Break in bed of course. and still working on head. Don't like the way things are going. Would like to begin again but cant with her. This is gambling. Very comforting to get dear letter fr J.W. in morn and wrote to him. grateful. Jack and Fr amusing the themselves and so dear to have. Do not tire at all. Weather too good to last. Pretty good rest and late getting up. In eve T. and Amy. in st and Fr playing some. Tured and not mch..
Fri Sept. 13th.
Another wondrous day. Still fighting on hed but turned a good deal to the rest and blocked in coat a[[?]] and position of hands. Some change of pose and son hrd to adjust at this late day.
So warm and divine That after lunch we three lay out by rock basking all aft and [[?]]Cading J. Conrad. till late Then int by funny people I had to see. C. Smi[[?]]
Later Leila Mechlin for last call. Tel fr G.D asking to come right out. In B and would take eve train get here at 11. Yes of course. Jack and Fr playing che[[?]kers before fire on rug. I lying beside. Very hap. SI came in and he Jack and I went out together J to see A.A. but did not and soon came in. He and I ver[[?] serious talk by fire. Told mw many things of AA. recent doing with the Wqrners. He is worred and I too Does not sem like the J.H. THIS side. Oh.....
G.D came in midst. How glad I was and it semedtoo good to have him. He put in little guest room next to Fran.
Sat Sept 14th.
Not very fine morning but got better all day and there was enough sun for D to see it when he cane dow[[?]] I had break in bed and descended when I had given my long kitchen order.. for two days. Rushed around with G.D showing him things.. he wild over it all.
Then gave him things to write and went to Mrs R.
Jack went to see A and as they were leaving came to st and told me he had had a very satisfactory talk They off at 11.19. Quiet lunch with G.D outside and after a little more gong around to rest and he poor de[[?]] slept too on parlor sofa. wher I found him when I