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Sun Sept [[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] 29th.
Fine weather gone and rain by noon. Sl called up fr somewhere enroute. So nice to hear him once more. MP very late but we worked terrifically at spots that were gambling and it is done all but the background which I will dod later.  Halls asked us to din and I called up A and asked him to comw in after din Halls came first to see pic. Delightful to have such talk and app. then I called up A and he came rig right in and we had nice little visit. Showing curtains etc. He went to make calls. I to rewrite my letter to Times but perhaps sha l not send after all.
Mr P gone. Made speech at Armory yest and met the Pres'd there. We to Halls. Jolly time oly ourself[[?] and she played a lot and we had good talk. What a comfort they are. Natale digging for eergreens.
Monday SEpt 30th.
Blew HORIBLY in the night and I was awake a good d [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] eal. Very cold and winter..... but not much lost off the trees yet. E sick and could not really po pose but I began composing and made two [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] sketches. Ran over first for a little visit to Mrs A and had a short chat She as much worried by the new intimac[[ y ?]] as I. I decided to call up and invite to sup which I did and was gladly accpted..
In aft rest saw Mr and Mts A who came in to see th pics. At seven A and we three to sup after in st.
On bearskin by fire. He very sweet and helped me to stretch canvas for the Greenough. Talked nearly all the timeof H. Warner and I teased a little.
Tues. [[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] Oct Ist.
Cold and a hor id day all thrugh for me. The evergre eens came and were dumped. N cross and un willing Greenoughs and finished pic. They like it and I shd be more pleased than I am. Agony over trees and getting them planted. Sent for men and old fellow came Then young expert fr Kelsey who fell to but too well dressed for the job. Very good though and if it had not come on to rain hard shd have got well throug[[?]] 
Very mad at N and through y unnerved. Mr and Mrs A in eve. and I tormented by hard cold wind in night on poor unplanted trees.