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Mon Aug 5th.
Sunny day and worked on living room pic. May too. Kept atytill quite late and was hardly ready for Miss Irwin and Mrs Tucker to lunch. Also while we were at it at about eleven . Mr Pape and C Rand Kennedy came .. Extraordinary man . Up in [[strikethrough]] cl [[/strikethrough]] terrace ho house and great goins on .. He wants to read a chapter fr Revelations at the show at Hammonds on the 23d. A howl against the great and luxurious. Mrs H wont lat him . Insists on reading the blind man .. Said he and God were writing a play in the Catskills . but he is not irreverent and quite in earnest. Long hair and very youthful curving face.
Miss I was charming so nice to have her.
Was just arousing from my rest when A.P.A. and Sl came .. Went right down to st to see Mr G.'s .. and A was as nice as he always s now . and to me too muc too touching . How far he is from wishing to be that
Looked at his to aand he is pose for drawing too. Was disappointed that I had not asked him to se Miss Irwin and I proposed going over there tomorrow.
Sl in eve ..I very tired..
Tues Aug 6th.
Were just up from break in the e.c and I out in the sun when A.P.A. appeared to bring cutting and say he he would go in aft . I teled to ask if she would be i in and he waited .. So dear and gentle.. looking at mags I yad occasion to speakof Mrs L. and could expre some of my views without seeming malicious.
Painting again on window.. Three nice books fr dear J.W. and another letter.
G[[strikethrough]]ot home[[/strikethrough]] At 4.30 A appeared I in fine togs. I had called up to ask if we could take May . Sl away Was sorry had done this . but we did well The Loring place a wonder of oldtime real beauty and such kind people . Miss I very glad to monopolize A and this suited him too. STayed long and he could talk politics with her. Late to din and quiet in eve.