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Aug 23d Fri Leaving Dublin at 6.30
Harry left me at station . So jolly to have him.
But what  ady tiresome day of travel ..Terribly tired and mis . Got pretty good connectionand home at I3.30 . Was knocked flat by news of a dinner party here this eve. Jo Thomas has come and Sl want it . Expecting to go to Titanic Mem with A.P.A. and he teled we must go at three.    I simply fell .
B and May had done much to arrange the din but it seemed to do me up after all the nervous strain of three days. Rain fortuneately prevented the Mem and I could not have gone any way.
Really ill and faint at three and flat . But took Ammonia and rested hard all the rest of the time . 
Put on white things and at 7.30 was quite revived.
A.P.A. Sl and the adorable J.T. who nearly embraced me . Hae asked Sl on way if he could kissme.
......... Very jolly and very good din only J.T. made A furious by teasing. almost a scend . To st after and by fire so cold . They went home early a and I slept well.

Sat Aug 24th.
Very tired of course and not good for much.. but glad to have got through yest..Sl and J.T. off seeing Indian Hill and Sl begged me to go with them . Auto of course . Ir would have been wonderful . They lunched with Mrs T [[overstrike]] 4 letters hard to make out [[/overstrike]] homasand went to several p[[overstrike]] o [[/overstrike]] laces.
Very hard to refuse.  No sign of them after .. nor of A. The Ripley.s teled hat I could expect them on Monday.
Sun Aug 25th.
Sl wanting me to dine there but I would not promise more than to come in after .. and have them in here later. Rather quiet day till eve . I trying to get some rest stowed away.
Sl Teled late to ask if I would let him have Natale A had refused to go in too mad with J.T. Not good thi Sl very much hurt . I sent N in at seven and at nine Sl came in with J.T. Mrs Gordon Abbott . Mrs Beale. Mrs Ladd.   Cloudy moon and on terrace. All very enthuse . Then to st . J.T. cutting up.. and so allur