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Wed Nov 27th.
Mrs S. and a friend to red. The Strangling of Persia. by Morgan Shuster. Very Int. .. Got good start and feel good about IT. Lunch here by Anna and good re rest with lovely new books sent by Anne Lewis.
Am very relaxed here .  but hate the hot dry air.
Horrid fuss with radators.
Went at five to call on Mrs Rumsey Out and then to Mrs Robinsons who was in and very welcoming. Her son Philipo came in and soon Dr Valentino and and a foreigner. I talked to P and Dr V. Quite jolly. Did not stay long and met Mr R going out.  To G's Saw F up in bed and D. In eve sleeping and reading. and writing. to S1 . Had to.

Thanks giving day. Nov 28th.
Dark and snowy but nice. I callecup Mrs S and said not to come.  Then went out and walked on big street and got ivy and a few white chrys.  Did chores and fixed up bottom of chair with Anna. Lunch here and rest on my lovely sofa. In to G's for a while in H's room . She in bed and very white . I have not seen her alone yet.  D came back with me and sat a while. poor dear. Din up here and off in taxi to Met Op. Celeste Hecksher and a delightful time . 
La Boheme and Caruso . Neve better and I thoroughly enjoyed it . She brought me back No standing room in house . How they do it.
In morn I could not stand longer and called up I2 W 5Ist . Nothing doing Then Peacock Point Mrs D and A has gone home went last night. .....