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An assistant then took me to the garden Inspetor, who showed me about. The garden originally belonged to a cloister, and has an area of 8.8 hectares. It contains an old astronomical observatory. It is located on the high banks ^[[insertion]] or low bluffs [[/insertion]] of the Saale, and has a superior position. It is well-kept, and is superior to that at Leipzig. There are ecological groups, such as alpina, cactus beds, fern beds, ponds, etc. There are several ponds with lilies, etc. One in a plant house contains five Victoria Regia plants. The garden contains 500 species of trees. There are also several small (low) sunken forcing beds covered with common window ^[[insertion]] glass [[/insertion]] frames. These are kept open a little for ventilation by blocks of wood. In them are grown [[underlined]] Drosera [[/underlined]], [[end page]] [[start page]] 5 [[underlined]] Sarracenia, Sphagnum [[/underlined]], etc. [[underlined]] Dionaea [[/underlined]] is also grown in a double forcing-bed, - a sort of "house within a house", with a double cover. The gardener (or Inspektor), a man I judge who has passed 40, deplored the fact that he had not gone to America. He says this ^[[insertion]] (his) [[/insertion]] country is suffering and people are poor, because to much money is required to support the nobility and royalty, and the army. He was not enthusiastic in his comments on conditions as they exist in the "Vaterland". I sent postal cards home, and we left for Naumburg and Jena at 11:15 am. It had been raining, and was still threatening, and all the windmills along the way were grinding or sawing wood. The fields were too wet for work. We followed the valley of the Saale to Naumburg, and as we approached