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He piloted me about and showed me both the building and garden. A laboratory on the south side has 3 rows of long tables, with microscopes, - each microscope under a tall bell-jar. It is a laboratory for beginners and will seat about 28. He has a total of 150 students for lectures. The lecture room is roomy and has a projecting apparatus, also for microscopic slides. The library is small. A collection of fine models for class use. There are dissected materials, models, etc. Dr. Stahl has a modest but rather roomy private laboratory, and two laboratories for advanced students, - moderate, with moderate equipment. Attached to the building on the outside, on the south, is a small plant house for experimental purposes. This is all on first floor. Upstairs are the rooms of docents, etc. [[end page]] [[start page]] 9. On the whole the department gives the impression of neatness but modesty. We then went into the garden, which seems to be the pride of Dr. Stahl. It contains 3000 - 4000 plants. The soil is limestone, and hence special place is made for peat plants. [[underlined]] Lycopodium, Sphagnum, [[/underlined]] etc. are cultivated in covered hot beds (forcing beds). [[underlined]] Sarracenia, Darlingtonia [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Sphagnuum [[/underlined]] are cultivated in a pit (covered with glass) in water. There is a bed of salt plants. The plants are periodically sprayed with salt solutions, and plants other than halophytes disappear. The plant houses have many interesting and unique features. There is a small, rather dark, very humid room which is especially good for mosses and liverworts.