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on the day of his death still stands on a desk near his work table. Next to this room is the bed-room in which he died, with the chair in which he died still in place. Upstairs there is a large art gallery. This part of the building was occupied by his grandchildren while he lived. Next to this (south) are the scientific museums arranged about as follows: [[image - pen diagram of museums rooms. Geology is in the top left corner. Zool. & Botany is on bottom left corner. These rooms face E. Physics is on the right side, running the full width of the house]] The Physics room contains a large amount of physical apparatus, - especially such as is of use in light and color studies, to which he devoted special [[end page]] [[start page]] 19 attention. There are here collections of butterflies, shells and corals and birds, all selected with special reference to studies of color and light in the organic world. There are also paintings to show color, color-discs, apparatus for the investigation of the physiology of vision (the eye, etc.), and a dark room for optical experiments. The room for Botany and Zoology also contains much interesting material. There are woods, fungi, and some fine illustrations of plant pathology and plant repair. There are especially fine examples of repair. One stem appears as follows: [[image - pen drawing of two stems. The word "Relief" appears on the left stem. The word "Groove" appears on the right stem.]]