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I took [[underlined]] photo 3, [[/underlined]] and collected a box of [[underlined]] marine [[/underlined]] shells, mostly [[underlined]] Cerithina, [[/underlined]] from cut 1. There are also land shells here, but they appear to be on the surface, and the bleached shells are comparatively recent additions.
The sand is stratified, and is said to be 25 + m. deep. There are snails in the deeper parts also, but my informant could give me nothing definite as to their nature.
I then took photographs of the sandy area in the vicinity of this bank 1, which still shows the native sand-steppe flora. Photos 4, 29 & 30 show this, the two latter with two little German girls: Eva Kiefer, Bleichstrasse, and Maria Eschborn, Bleichstrasse nr. 26, both in Heidesheim.
The sand in this area is almost

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without humus, and the vegetation is xerophytic and somewhat tufted. The most common grass is a [[underlined]] Koehleria. [[/underlined]] Then there are numerous plants of a yellow [[underlined]] Graphalium [[/underlined]] - like species. Also some [[underlined]] Leguminosae, [[/underlined]] and a good many pads of a fine moss, - probably more than one species. A spiny shrub (Cytisus-like?), pads of purple leguminose plants and a brown [[underlined]] Orobanche[/underlined]] (?),  were also noticed. I noticed stunted [[underlined]] Solanum nigrum [[/underlined]].
The sand-bank 1 continues in a second sand-bank, not numbered, and this in a third, long bank, marked [[underlined]] Bank 2, [[/underlined]] from which I also collected a box of shells. Beyond this, in the Budenheim direction, the sand bank extends to the side road. Beyond this road is a sandy flat on which the sand