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byla svedená klavaí bitva r. 1424, a zde padli Sigmundoví Moravané. Údolí bylo (a dosud je do jisté miry) močálovité, a to mělo uliv na výsledek. Moravané byli pohřbení na místč, u kotela, a zde byl pozdéjí obeeaý, farní hibritor. Kostel je valin starý, ale byl obneven r. 1910. Json zde dosnd stare deslay. Na jedné z nich json vreliefn parohy jilení a jetelový trojlistek. Napi vyrytý hol do hola nelze lehce čísti. (The gateway for lumber-rafts in the dams is known as "vorová propust'".)
I came home at about 6 P.M. We noticed striking absence of [[underline]] men [[/underline]] on the streets at this time.
I took supper at Zlatá Husa, with the Hajičeks, Mr. ^[[insertion]] Ferd. [[/insertion]] Urbánck, etc.
We received news that Montenegro had declared war against Germany.
I left at about 10 P.M., returned to my room, after a little walk, and wrote until 1 o'clock A.M.

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[[underline]] August 13, 1914 - Thursday [[/underline]]
I loaded plates, then walked towards the boat-landing, intending to go to Barraude's wall, but gave it up as it was quite hazy. I returned to my room and wrote until noon. Took dinner at the room.
I then took a car for Olšany, and spent the afternoon in the cemetery.
I took photographs and notes as follows:
[[underline]] Photo 1 Vaceslav Klimenl Klicpera.
Bas-relief [[/underline]] (pod tím)
Váceslav Kliment
Dramatický básaík.
Narozen v Chlumci
dne 23 listopadn 1792
Zemřel v Praze
dne 15 září, 1859
Od ctítelů české
dramatické musy.
r. 1860.
[[underline]] Na západní straně: [[/underline]]
Sotcern svýsu tu dřímá večný sen
Ivan Klicpera
český spisovatel
zesmul dne 17 února 1881
v 55 roce víku suého.