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"Mardi Grass"

[[preprinted]] February TUESDAY, 11 1902. [[/preprinted]]

 Went around to the Luckybug this morning in hopes of see the American things But no, it takes the French just about four months to do a days work and the canvases are still on the floor.  Opened the curtain & saw Alexander Harrison's "Arcadie", the three women under the trees & nice sun shine - Lunch-
 Boulevard after with Tartenson.  Lost him and went back & got Miss S. & sister Elsie.  Too bad for them to miss it. Never saw anything touch Confetti was three inches deep for miles over the Boulevard des Italienes & everybody was covered from head to foot with it and good naturedly throwing it into mouths eyes necks etc. We left there at six. Dinner went to see "Sarah" in Theodora she is as good as they make them Miss Sargent went to. Had an elegant time.
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[[preprinted]] February WEDNESDAY, 12 1902. [[/preprinted]]
 Went out after breakfast to see about getting a Norfolk jacket made.  They want to much for it the jews but Ive got to have one to save my suit
 Painted this P.M. awhile, came in after a walk and touched the French a little.  Same after dinner and here I am.
 [[Oyes??]] I vaselined my shoes today & got a letter from Hosken's.  He isnt going to stay here except for a meal.
 On the Velasque.