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[[preprinted]] June Wednesday, 28 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Still hot Prado, painted a little, rubbered some, and brought home the Holy Family
Made a sketch in the Garden Botanical.
Evening in.

[[image--sketch of a heeled shoe on a foot]]

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[[preprinted]] June Thursday, 26 1902. [[/preprinted]]

We were all awakened at twenty minutes of seven by a corking old [[underline]] boom [[/underline]] and the rattle of window and crackle of broken glass.
Rushed to the window in our shirttails and found everyone in sight in same condition
Powder magazine outside the the city went up in smoke and man was blown six hundred yards.
Casa de Campo Kings Garden P.M. and bumped into "Alli" as usual and Mother & Sister did big rubber Marked us down on horse back one day & King took off his hat to us Stick out your chest.
Bought a pair of Spanish shoes for 25 pesetas today
After garden, we walked out into the country up the river to a beautiful spot and took a bath in said stream. Rubbed our [[underline]] selfs [[/underline]] down with sand got home about nine