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[[preprinted]] April FRIDAY, 4 1902. [[/preprinted]] 
Haircut - Luxembourg
Dentist - Looks like fifty francs for a gold crown, uneasy lies a head that fears a crown and also has to pay for it
 American Consuls and got a certificate to send home, five francs twenty
 Cooks, can go for 126 francs to Madrid, 2nd to frontiers and first beyond. 60 to frontier second class
 Louvre after and then to the Luxembourg garden.  To the tailors to try on my coat which he is fixing to fit me.  Bet he spoils it. Corderoy.
Read some English for a change Guess Ill hit Spain alone after all Yes.
Got my boots. Four francs, tried to stick me four fifty but I was on.
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[[preprinted]] April SATURDAY, 5 1902. [[/preprinted]] 
Three hours this morning in the dentist chair getting me gold crown and a new silver filling.  Never did care much for the dentist's and cant say that my last experience has changed my opinion much.  Fifty Francs and he let me down easy to
 Went to the Gobelin Manufactories with Niedermeyer and Miss Sargent this P.M. Very interesting indeed but most terrible on the eyes of the men there at work.  Afterwards we went to Musée de Cluny. Stunning old place that.
 French lesson
 Walk after dinner read a little, touched my French and went to bed.
 Ran into a Cook's Party at Gobelins, follow the man from Cooks.

Transcription Notes:
groan!, corny joke: uneasy lies a head that fears a crown