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[[preprinted]] June Sunday, 29 1902. [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] 5th after Trinity [[/preprinted]]
Worked on "Senorita" this A.M.  Walk in the garden Botanico after lunch.
New American girl came tonight for dinner. We spotted her crossing Puerta del Sol on her way. 
Evening in. Bed in a minute.
Gill dined with us tonight & tried to make an impression on the new lady, while we three took in the situation & were amused unseemly amused perhaps but we thought she sized him up all right. She dont look like any lobster. Say he's got lots & lots of talk and it's so useless really but he likes it.
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[[preprinted]] June Monday, 30 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Worked on "Senorita" and went to the gallery for awhile. Worked after lunch on the Botanical garden sketch.
In tonight.