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[[preprinted]] July Monday, 7 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Did a fifteen [[p?]] stunt on Senorita this AM.
Went down to the garden this PM. & worked some more on the little house and tank.
Canvases came this A.M. and as I thought the big ones are to narrow.
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[[preprinted]] July Tuesday, 8 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Had Senorita for nearly two hours. There's a chance to make a nice thing of it we are getting "terrible" busy as tomorrow morning we leave with our hands full of canvases and paint for a ten days sojourn in the mild & balmy city Toledo that once great [[underlined]] Moorish [[/underlined]] stronghold
The goose hangs high and if nothing busts we'll lug home the whole place on canvas yes
Bought some paint for Toledo this A.M. and nearly put the place out of business T & I went in together and the man said he'd never sold so much paint before since he been in the business.