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[[underline]] Toledo [[/underline]]

[[preprinted]] July Wednesday, 9 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Alden & I left Madrid this AM at 8 o'clock for Toledo. We got here at about ten and came to the Hotel Imperial where we got a fine room for eight pesetas a day, large & cool with four beds in it The grub is fine. This P.M. we took a long walk around the town on the river edge It is very picturesque & we saw lots to paint. Its hotter than, much hotter but I guess will get used to it alright at one of the falls by a big bridge when we were sketching we saw a lot of fish trying to get up & their jumps were very pretty.

[[image--sketch of man sketching by river]]

getting busy 

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[[preprinted]] July Thursday, 10 1902. [[/preprinted]]

We started into work this AM. Brilliant isn't the word for it and it's real warm working in the sun. So much so that the Spainiards don't bother at all by rubbering, they freeze right on to the shade for keeps.
I started the gate of Santa Oruz Hospital and often lunch worked on a thing in a courtyard that we saw the day we came down with Mr. Shirlaw & Hubble.
After I got back to the room I was looking out & saw the English fellow that I met in Madrid going up the hill I hollered to him & he came in & had a chin
Got through dinner about half past night & turned in room after.
This dinner at breakfast time makes me weary.