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[[preprinted]] October WEDNESDAY, 15 1902.

Nice early. Pictures off stretchers

Grip packed and went to the Luxembourg for a last look with Miss Sargent. Then for a walk in the garden

Down to Halls place and after he had a shave we went to Bondets for lunch

Saw the Shirlaws to say good bye and also the Sargents

Got my stuff & Harvey & I started for the "gare" where Bement met us. Waited over a train as the later one was express and came right through. Passed a fairly comfortable night Rained like blazes all the way & there was a perfumed woman in the apartement that made it necessary to open the window frequently. If they wernt so afraid of water.
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[[preprinted]] October THURSDAY, 16 1902.

Got here to early. No one was up and the cab man took me all over town and finally back here again 156. Rue de la Madeline where I got a room. Walked around awhile. The to the old gallery Some pretty Jordeans and a Rubens portrait of a woman that was nice. Lunched and went to the modern Seven Stevens' there which interested me very much

Also a thing by a Spaniard which came pretty near being a masterpiece. But dont believe Ill stay here long.

Cathedral is very pretty. got some good old plug tobacco at only five cents a plug which goes to the spot.

Rodin's "Thinker" in bronze is here also.

Transcription Notes:
Jordeans is prob. Jacob Jordaens: