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[[preprinted]] July WEDNESDAY, 23 1902. [[/preprinted]]

The room was lonesome this morning, I missed the boots pillows & satchels that were usually handed round as prelimenaries, the absence of Harvey ambleing round in a happy smile & his hay slippers touched me deeply & I longed to hear Alden whacking the stuffing out of his razor, supposedly putting an edge on it. Moreover there was nothing to prove that I was the last one dressed which sort of gave me a jolt. In fact I was out in time to eat breakfast with Miss Mead.
Worked on Senorita with a slight tendency to the good I think & then lunched. Miss Canedy was around to join in that meal & it sort of helped cheer up. Here to dinner also worked in the garden this P.M. on a flower stunt It as fine as ever there. But lacked me friends

Evening at my fireside snuggled in me furs as the mercury has failed to go above 90ᴼ today
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[[preprinted]] July THURSDAY, 24 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Did my daily stunt with "Senorita" as a focus, after me usual chocolate & eggs. Lunch & worked a while on a piece of draperie. Shaved and went out to Bombilla Gardens with Miss Canedy. They are great, old ruined walls, gates, stairways grass grown paths, dryed up & some times partially destroyed fountains, some of them very dignified even in their almost forlorn condition and the sturdy box hedges a little thin & uncared for in spots but still makeing their handsome designs and beatifill trees of all kinds. The sunlight breaking in across it all through and among the trees and here & there touching some stone gate or broken statue made it a spot hand to forget. Im sorry Alden & Harvey did not see it they would both enjoy it so much. In again tonight & now for a "Dormez bien". So long.
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