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[[preprinted]] August FRIDAY, 22 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Worked on Dago Kid. Its very funny that after the first or second time models invariably come in a new set of clothes
Darn little fool showed up in a pink shirt. Wouldn't that [[just?]] when the other was a swell grey.
Lucius came to the studio this P.M. Showed down & he came out with the Kodak things he had made in Spain. Very nice some of them. Met his sister & mother in garden. Has some american tobacco he is to donate to me as he sails Sept 3rd for the old sod. U.S.A. Dinner. Walk to Boulevard St Michel. Same old game. Home and away to rest as the sand man is here with both feet.
Alden sends card saying he will breakfast with me.
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[[preprinted]] August SATURDAY, 23 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Alden came this a m to breakfast. He is looking fine, tanned as an Indian. Went to Cooks American Ex Old England. Durand Ruels. Lunch. Studio. China Store Cafe. Luxem. gardens [[A?]] and got some Japanese prints. Alden presented me with a peach its exquisite.
Dinner and after dinner.