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[[preprinted]] August TUESDAY, 26 1902 [[/preprinted]]
Alden & I went to Hotel de Ville closed till 2 P.M. Went to Pantheon Chavannes look the limit. Lunch Hotel after dinner Mess of stuff but two fine Puvis there. Bought some exquisite photos. & a hat apiece.
Dinner & over to the House with Alden.
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August WEDNESDAY, 27 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Alden made slight mistake on train and his mother and the children came in before we were up about 6.20 
Got a lot of the things packed up today and I went over with them while they got some things for the kids. The kids are great and look fine after the month at the ocean St. Gildas. Ive heard so much of that good place I think I will join Harvey there for two three weeks and when I come back maybe I can do something
Paris is quite a change from Madrid, its rainy damp cold and there dont seem to be any air here at all.
Early to bed tonight and see if I can kill this three day neuralgia. Yes