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[[preprinted]] September FRIDAY, 5 1902. 

Up early and took a walk before breakfast. Grubbed and started a sketch of the tall trees with the tower of the chapel here showing through in the distance

Lunch and down to the cliffs and later a bath

The pretty French girl has gone. Oh what a pity. Yes?  

Made a fruiting expedition into the garden. Not much doing just at present. Dinner and down to watch the ocean and sky from the cliffs. A shower came up and we had to do a hustle.  Early to bed.

[[image - tall trees sketch]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] September SATURDAY, 6 1902.

Worked this A.M. on the tall trees and just got in to lunch.

Down to the big rocks after lunch read a little and incidently went to sleep.
 Had a fine bath and afterwards worked a while on a sketch in the cloisters
 Dinner and down to the rocks to see the sun set and watch the lights come out. All cloudy to the west and no moon visible.
 In early and washed brushes and wrote in this.

[[image - start of a landscape sketch?]]