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[[preprinted]] November SATURDAY, 8 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Painted all day on the copy and bought two black neck ties at twenty five cents a piece those are the first ties I have had since leaving home.
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[[preprinted]] November SUNDAY, 9 1902.  [[/preprinted]]

went to Laren to see if I could find [Darden??]] and his wife but they had left a month before for America Met two American chaps out there however, Bovard and Snyder, and they were very nice. The latter took me around and showed me some old Dutch interiors. Full they are of beautiful things & nice lights which nobody seems to paint except Miss Sargent.  Theres sort of an epidemic or fever so to speak for painting these things and most of the fellows get it as they do measles only some of em dont get over it. Snyder was very nice and seemed serious in his work, he hasn't the fever. Went after dinner and heard Lohengrin. It was fine.