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[[underlined]] Fire [[/underlined]]

[[preprinted]] December Thursday, 4 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Gallerie in the morning till two wrote letters in the afternoon till a quick grub and went to hear the Meistersinger of Nuremberg, was late as it commenced half an earlier than I had been told. to late to get a stehplatz so I got a cheap seat where I wore all the rubber out of my neck trying to get a shot at the stage The music was very pretty though and thats what I went for
Home and downed a slice of "Schwartzs Broed" and a little apple sauce and bunked
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Fire [[/underlined]]

[[preprinted]] December Friday, 5 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Gallery this A.M. and forgot the time and showed up for Mittagessen at 2.45 and Franklin seemed to think I was late. Strange
Went to the bank, no letters, then to a big departement store here and got some writing paper sehr gute und sehr cheap. Had a bat in the "Salle Manger" and a bit of dancing and I picked up a word or two of German. The widow is going to give me lessons Yes? Wont that be perfectly lovely
Blew myself and had a fire in my room today and it isn't any too warm here notwithstanding

Transcription Notes:
Word is "fire" at top of both pages, clear from other pages in diary, and from last paragraph of second page. Mittagessen is correct