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June 24.

Mother, Alf and I took a carriage and drove to Holland - America docks, via 14th St. ferry. Boarded the "Potsdam." Crowds in the gangways. My cabin (422) far aft. Father, who met us, said "Right over the screw." So it was. Louis Wagner, Mrs. Hauser, and Herbert Newstadt were there to see me off. Saw the Wadsworths, Weiss etc. People signaled off the ship. Good-bye start. Hat-waving crowds on the dock. Wrote 5 letters. Met Prof. Weiser, my roommate. Met Zell, the Betts etc. 12m. - A pilot boat came, row boat put off & came alongside prettily in the big waves. Pilot went down on a rope ladder. Knows Frank Egan & says he is getting on. Good dinner & appetite for it. Chase students together. Pleasant afternoon. Met a young political - scientist from Cornell. (Mr. Hotchkiss). Dutch, Germans, and French are the principal passengers. First cabin more American. 3rd Class - very European. Good supper.