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July 1

One week out. Premonitions of the end. The "young" gang up on deck. Fun, jokes, the camera. Fine shuffle-board; we won. Miss Hegman is a brick. About same programme in the afternoon. Tried to write "A." but Barbier and Potter came and looked at it and then gave me such a mellow brandy as I had never tasted. French stamps and postal cards. Athletic games on deck, especially first cabin. After supper played "button, button" on deck; wild fun. Virginia reel on deck to the tune of handclaps and as much "Pop Goes the Weasel" so we could keep up a pucker to whistle. Mr. Potter set up Rhine wine - Slick. Phosphorescence at the bow [[underline]] with [[/underline]] Miss Hegman.

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July 2

Wrote "Finis" on P. 242 of "A."!! More deck fun; took photos. Played shuffle-board. The bright weather these 2 day has shone from every one's eyes. Miss Carson was jolly. "Feminine Intiations". The roll from the Shinnecockers. Called on Mrs. Wadsworth. Everybody saying bright things. Mrs. Betts is calling me 'Walter', and has some sweet romances to tell me. Lolled in steamer chair & chin-chinned. Talked pics. with Waddy and Mrs. Wadsworth. Saw Mr. Meyvi's fine work. Very Dutch tone, color, value. Mrs. Doolittle read "Etchings and Etchers" & wants to know about it. More "button, button", dances (with Mr. Jelline) Virginia reel. Walks, moonlight, foam, talk & drinks in bed.