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July 3

Bathed, saw lighthouse & fisherboat. Passing along within a few miles of the Scilly Islands. Rocky shores with cliffs. At the top, flat green fields and pretty houses. Sort of purple mist. Passing many ships, large and small. Saw Dr. Hunt's red sails. Some of us felt rejoiced to see land, but I am fond of the "[[Mnowkumformknit?]]", and the pleasant life. Still it was fine to see, and beautiful. Animated company. Collection taken for baby born last night of destitute returned migrants. Played shuffle-board, wrote home; Increasing number of ships. Always quite near shore. Wrote postals. We are to reach Boulogne at 6 a.m. to-morrow. Fine dinner and supper. [[Tipped ? ]] Mijnheer Cornelissen. Evening on deck. Miss Hegman, Miss Zeiller, Potter, Barbier, Ezerman & Meyvis. "Rigoletto". Walk & Talk.

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July 4

Breakfast at 5 a.m. So as to see the people off at Boulogne. (But the Hofmeester said it was too much trouble to get breakfast for the Rotterdamers, we waited). In sight of French coast. At Six a little steamer came alongside and a large number of our passengers boarded her. Great good-byes and wavings. I set off my pack of fire-crackers as we separated. Started again. Town of Boulogne somewhat in sight. Lounged on deck. Great packing up and bustling. Hoek van Holand about 3 p.m. Low tide and we were stuck in the mud, nor could the tug pull us off. Taken ashore in a tender. Customs inspection on the dock - dead easy. Mr. Townsley looking after us. Fruit-seller. Took (Dutch) train. Mr. (Grootrader) Labatt's relative who was looking after him, was Mr. Sutro half-brother.