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houses. Zandvoort though right near some big beach hotels is as old and wonderful as it was 200 yrs ago. Mr. Chase took us to the Old People's Home where he is acquainted. Building from early 17th century also the scales & other things. Old Dutch ladies in costume. Israels interior. Went down and saw beach with chairs bath carts etc. Gritty breeze. Went to Hotel du Passage?, heard music. Home.

July 7

Saw our bully studio, ex-theatre Shopping. After dinner took train for Amsterdam. Mean weather. Street-cars to Ryks Museum. Rapidly through "Night Watch" - Dazzling, grandest light and luminosity, quality, unity with divine portrait details, color, richness, tone, mystery. Hals & VanderHelst. Hals & wife. "Staalmeesters" unthinkably great. "Lute Player" perfection of painting. Man with glass overturned & Woman of Hals! Maes "Woman Praying"

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Terburg "Satin Gown", great little Dutch interiors. Van Dycks, portraits & Heavy Rubens-like half nude woman in silvery tones. Rubens "Wife".

July 8

Studio not ready so we went sight seeing. Wrote letters. Walked with Mrs. Irons and Mrs. Winckler. The people are so polite. Walked with Zell - "Proef".

July 9

Worked in the studio from the model - a Dutch woman in costume. I seemed to have forgotten whatever I did know about painting a head. In the afternoon went down by the canal. Got on a little better with my sketch. Feel the need of lots of work. First experience with Dutch crowds: very interested, but polite and not forward. Long art-talk in the evening with Wadsworth & Betts. Composition. Walked by canal with W.