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July 18.

Drizzly and foggy. Went other direction on Spaarne. Blue boat. Rain finally sent me in. Mr. W. said sketch was by far the most interesting in treatment he had seen from me. Elated. & did still-life in afternoon. Mr. Chase spoke in evening. See back of book.

July 19. 

Rose dead late, no sketch as I had hoped. Went for a nice walk with  Wadsworth. Then to Bloemendaal. Met Molster, Uhlhake & W. Van der Laan. Picnicked. Walked to Brederode. Old castle of lichened brick. Moat, gate, history (9th to 10th century). Rooms up the old winding stairs in the tower. Battlements, view, feeling of oldness and history & warfare in the place. Home. Evening.

July 20.
Mr. Chase said at crit. that Whistler is dead. Great stir. Mr Chase spoke finely about him (notes). Very kindly mood in
criticising. He said "daylight, and accounting for joints." Afternoon, in Hals

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gallery. Mr. Chase spoke with enthusiasm. The Pictures do grow on one. Went for violin Tried to sketch but the Whistler light was too much for me & Got a trowel knife.
July 21.
Took train to Hague. Good walk to Mauritshuis. Grand pictures. "Anatomy Lesson", Ver Meer, "Saul and David", "The Bull", Little gems - Hals, Fabricius Rembrandt. etc Then Stedely K Museum (Kunstring). Inferior to other but some great works, R., H., Van der Velde, etc. After (2) dinners and remarkable beer, drove with the Wadsworths and Miss Rheinlander about Grarenhagen.  Palaces, Churches, Departments, drilling soldiers, lovely wood, palace there, deer, statues, back  through Jews' quarter, home in about an hour. Holland Scenery beautiful,- luscious, luminous greens, black and white cattle, red roofs.

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