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July 22

Jobs, (shoes etc.) Boy model. Drawing seemed better. Mr. W. came for me and we went to a dive and settled accounts. Went to another and got a flask of the best whiskey for 30ยข. Rain in afternoon. I wanted to paint still-life but was sejuced by the fiddle. Read & practiced and was glad of this when Mr. VanderLaan came and we played together in the evening.

July 23

Drew in class and ran over to the Museum. Talked with Miss Kibbey [[?]] and Miss Murphy. Mr. Vanderlaan came in the afternoon and we went rowing on the Spaarne with Miss Haight and Zell along. Sketches and talk. Beautiful country and river. Spent evening in the usual useless dolce far niente fashion. Music talk, reading.

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July 24

Rose earlier. Worked at studio & went over to museum. Wrote & received letter answering mine. The continual rain. Still life. Read "Marble Faun". Talked.

July 25

Went for an hour's row on the "spoiling baarne" with Wadsworth. Fun. Sketched by the Spaarne. Afternoon sketched in Janssbraat! Both sketches are for criticism. Hung around and read "Marble Faun" in the evening. Wrote to [[Twin?]].

July 26

After (late) breakfast, went with Miss Haight, Van der Laan and Zelly to Amsterdam. V.d.L. brought prints of films. Took car to "Nireug" club. Got shell-skiff & had fine row up the Amstel. Slight rain, Picnicked, returned. Mr. Chase to supper fine entertainment. Whistler, Webbs, shooting etc. V.d.L. played classic music.