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July 27
Rose early & read letter from Joe Garvey. Went to Market & crit. Mr. Chase on qualities of a great picture. Fine crits. Blame & praise for my 2 fine Wadsworths. Sketched by Spaarne. After supper, went to the Leder. Fun in attic with the girls. Home in rain, took a preventative.

July 28

Mr. Chase criticized the class. Told me to make map drawings. Afternoon to Amsterdam. Saw the fine moderns - Whistler, Courbet, Maris's etc. Then went up & reveled in the old ones. Home. Disturbance in room. Van derLaan posed for sketch class after supper.

July 29

Rose, went to class and finished my map-drawing. Went to the museum. In afternoon, walked up the Spaarne and tried to do a Ruisdael but

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the storm broke in great shape. I got in just about as it finished. Preventative. Miss Elizabeth posed after supper in sketch class.

July 30

Rose earlier and started on my accumulation of socks; the first pair took somewhat over an hour. It certainly was a holy one but I did not risk another - was very late anyhow. Swallowed my pride and took the remainder to Mrs. Scott. Walked around town. Preparations for Kermess very far advanced. Booths, wagons, tinsel theatre. Went to museum, home and read. Afternoon sketched the Bakkum Str. Bad, kids; rain. Getting on to curves of the streets. Walked back to the Leder with Miss Bissel and Miss Huckle. Evening Miss Haight posed on the sketch - class. Read "M. F."