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July 31.
  Went to studio. Square an eruption of catch-penny tawdriness. Drew head. Went to gallery, then to Police Station with Mrs. Scott. Experienced orange bitterje. Afternoon aimless and unpleasant. Wrote, went to P.O., renewed flask. Finally drew in a still-life. Read in evening. 
August 1.
  Early at breakfast. Got to work on my still-life. Green bottle better than the last one. Worked at it all day, which of course cleared and was good for out door work. Posed in sketch class. Read.
August 2.
  Rose and dressed leisurely. Mr. W. came. Showed "Aesthetics" ^[[insertion]] Whistler, etc. [[/insertion]] Went to his house at Bloemendaal. Classics-students room. Flaxman, Ovid, Homer, Nietzche. Dined with his family: parents, two sisters and brother.
Charming people. Went to Amsterdam & to Zwemplaats. Curacoan friends.
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Swimming races then fine water polo match. Haarlem beat Amsterdam. "Hero and Leander". Back to Bloemendaal. Another delightful meal. Walked through lovely park in the twilight. Came back. Drank tea with family & Mr. Van der Ley - splendid young officer, who sang. The real Dutch people. Home.
August 3.
  Woke early for a sketch according to resolution, but there was a heavy rain. Turned over.... Letter from home. Crit: I knew the two landscapes were bum, but thought he might perhaps have said something better of the still-life; drawing - best yet. After noon to Mesdag collection, at the Hague. Simply a joy and delight from beginning to end. Fine old Mesdag - how nice he was, - and the pictures - artists' pics - every one: painted. And the get up, and the hangings, and