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Saw work.  Fish, still-life [[above is a bracket connecting "Fish and "still-life" with Betts under the bracket.]]  Spaarne and from the window.  Simply great, big painting, quality; all right.  Mr. Chase in good feather.  How will they look at the exhibitions?  Evening with the folks and wrote.

August 29.

Got off to the Hague [[insertion]] after going to Bank [[/insertion].  Landed after beautiful ride.  Walked to Cafe Riche.  Dined there after debating, glad I did.  Mauritshuis - Rembrandts held me. Crossed to Kunstring.  New pictures-big Hals etc.  And fine old ones, Hals, Rembrandt and Steen.  Went after Jap stores.  Nit duok.  Stayed over; Preyer's. Found one - to open later.  Funny supper.  Home with Wahre-Jacob etc. [[insertion]] Wrote this up ? [[/insertion]]

August 30
Invited by girls to go a-redding [[?]].  Went. Nice time.  "Saul" (2), "The Open Road." Beautiful river.  Home.  To gallery and drank it in.  Chased.  Paid Brinkman and got Sketches [[insertion]] from Waply's [[?]] exhibition[[/insertion]]. Wired at R.R. station. Home. Wrote to Miss Hillyard.  After supper to VanderLaans', the

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charming Dutch people.  Home talked with Wadsworths. Packed till late, but-I think-thoroughly.

August 31.
Up betimes, but all time needed though I thought there was going to be so much.  Wadsworth brought up letter:  Willie Moses, Whistler.  Packed up, good-bye - got away.  Met Mrs. Scott and Zell at station.  Went with me as far as Rotterdam.  Talked.  Holland decorated for Queen's birthday.  Overstoppen and lunch at Rosendaal. Belgian frontier.  Antwerp, guides, Harwich boat (-after I got over the Gracht).  Arranged.  Went to Museum.  Fine building.  Rubens!!! de Vos, Jocdurny [[?]], Quinten.  Matsys' masterpiece, Rembrandt - fine, Hals - (strandtlooper)- Flemish, Memling.  Went back but could not get passage then.  Car to Cathedral Square.  Changed money; Lace, Supper, Back to ship.  Crowded - old Jews, cockneys, English and Continentals.  Beautiful night.  China boy [[or bay?]].  Lights and moon by

Transcription Notes:
I think "Nit duok" is a dutch phrase meaning no luck from the context but I am not sure. I think "a-redding" is slang for "riding" but am not sure.