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Walked to Hertford House. Downstairs curios etc. Upstairs first a modern room: Diaz, Troyon, Meissonnier, Decamps, Corot and others, also many minors; Dutch room Teniers, Steen etc,; Went to great room, - really grand things. Ruisdael, Hobbenia, Rubens, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Velasquez, Hals; then minor rooms. Then French rooms the delight of Watteau and Lancret, Pater, [strikethrough]] Boucher [[/strikethrough]] Fragonard. Walked to station and got to British Museum. Saw Portland Vase and Greek paintings. Then original marbles. Chased. Got directions from Baedeker, o.k. Got Hiroshige print. Shipper at Carrielli's. Hair-cut. Home. Wrote.

September 4.

Got down to rather frigid atmosphere of English coffee-room. Our girls made up for it. N.G. Saw Raphael and Tuscan and Umbrian schools. Came back to Velasquez. Copying day; stuff. Late lunch.

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Went to Tate Gallery. Fine building English school to perfection. Total non-comprehension of painting. Art for Literature's sake. Crantrey [[?]] fund. Watts, Leighton, Millais, Hildes, [[insertion]] Sargent [[/insertion?]]. Leader. Stevens. It made me mad. Back on the bus, past Westminster. Got new Arabian Nights in Strand. Also supper. Home, read, wrote. Rain.

September 5.

Got up late. Settled with Miss Meggy. Went after presents. Finally got to N. G. Saw Venetians - glorious. "Vision of St Helena". Less known masters. Pure delight; the great men really were Titian, Tintoretto and Veronese. Schools of Lombardy and Parma; Leonardo. Went back to Dutchmen, Rembrandt (landscape). Velasquez, through English portraits to great little Constables and Turner. Great. Hurried out. Mailed letter. Got bag panels, [[strike-through]] and [[/strike-through]] chocolate, and train (hurriedly). English ladies, scenery. Folkestone Harbor. Got aboard and stowed. Chalk cliffs getting