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- sai - it was appreciated. Nice talk and walk. No sign of Miss Haight Loony lad. Lunch with Luxembourger. Read. After dinner showed sketches Mr. [[underscore]] Hyde [[/underscore]] (minister) and Mrs. Cook came down after supper and we all[[underscore]] talked [[/underscore]] during concert. Row with harem have made acquaintance of Miss Genth and friend.

September 9.

Rose earlier and better. More foggy weather, high wind. Talked at breakfast. Then upstairs and showed second Hokusai and photos. Both well-liked. After dinner went up and sniffed wind, played cards. Grand time-wasting. Shaving not hard. The unanalyzable delight of the "Romany Rye". After supper, Mr. Hyde minister came down. Horrid piano pounding [[insertion]] : with Mrs Burns. [[/insertion]] Jokes. Lafs.

September 10.

Pleasant little talks in cabin. Boys interested in Hokusai. After breakfast went up on deck with of the girls who

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are not quite well yet. First beautiful day. But the fog blew in. Read. Visited upstairs. Moire reading. Showed N.G. catalogue to Miss Carson and Burns. They took care of a little baby during supper time. Mrs. Cook came down later and we went upstairs. After sitting on deck a while and talking; we went in had beer with Mr.Hyde. First cabin quite nice, after all " Dance postponed, weather not permitting". Fog-Horn.

September 11.

On deck early amidst fog and drizzle, but it cleared. Breakfast like other meals pretty well relished by me,  but  lots of kicks from others. Found studio. Shall we paint? Guess not. Mrs. Cook visited. Showed her my sketches. Miss Carson sketched; walked on deck; photoed; Prof, Lozar; his pictures; Mr. Fairlamb; his music. Sketched Wolfe. Read "R.R."