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Schamberg came in at lunch.  Looked at houses with him.  He chose ours.  Misses Herr Williamson and Fassitt, Schamberg and I walked to studio; some distance but it is a fine one, suite of rooms.  Then we took bus and went down to city, past N.G., theatres, monuments, squares, Soho - British Museum.  Home together leaving Schamberg at Russell Sq.  In evening Sheeler and I went to see Mr Townsley, got a sov. [[?]].  Then Scovill joined us and we saw Hampstead on Saturday night.  Fine.  Home, very tired.

June 26

Breakfast at nine for Sunday.  Then Sheeler and I went to Hyde Park down Piccadilly seeing great clubs.  Walked on Rotten Row. Beautiful, varied crowds.  Wonderfully kept lawns and flower beds.  Red coats.  Ponds, Broad

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equestrian path.  Lake for miniature yachts.  Turned round and saw the interesting well dressed people again as we came back.  Got to corner and had awful wait for Haverstock bus.  Showers.  Late for dinner.  After it, Mr. J. took a party of us to see Heaths Great park.  Flagstaff Hill.  Great view.  Harrow on the Hill;  thirty miles at one point thirty five;  blue line of distance.  Up hill and down dale, really rough herbage and well kept spots.  Constable's firs.  Golder's hill, with restaurant.  Big crowds. View of London.  Home music in evening, "Cleansing Fires" misbehavior of Dick.

June 27

Studio at 10 o'clock.  Nice class. Mr. Chase arrives. Heap howdy.  Nice talk for students.  Copying