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to Mrs. Allender. Quick dinner and start for Abbey's. Physical well-being. Took bus,- warm. Changed at Victoria and walked along Chelsea Embankment to Tite St. Fine old house. Wonderful pen drawings close along wall. Went up to studio. Big, fine simple room-filled. Introduced. The Coronation Picture. Explanation "and they all came here?" Hamlet quotation; much fine stuff. The little accessories. Taken through house-fine. Beautiful Japaneseries. Harmonious wall and floor coverings. Kitchen. Back to studio and had tea - very pleasant people. Good-bye. Crossed over to Whistler's "White House", now tenanted by Orrin Peck. Different style. Magnificent things and very many of them not so simple. Mrs. Peck was. Portraits by Lenbach and Van Dyck. Embroideries, porcelaines, lamps. Walked down the embankment to Cheyne Walk. Saw outside of Carlyle's house. Then back- Schamberg and I through

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Grosvenor Rd. to Hyde Park. Duke of Wellington. Walked around to Stanhope Gate. Sat quite a while and watched  crowds. Interesting types English Style, howling complections, (assistance) handsome men. old bucks, callow youths with silk hats, characters - Thackeray etc, Indians. Home. Played violin in evening with pleasure and kind accompaniment of Mrs. Jacqurust. Then long talk, our young folks; coon songs, and hymns. Miss Farrer lots of fun. Bed late.

   July 11

  Am getting up very badly to do work. [[smudge]] Off to studio. Many more studies being turned in,- I had two large and two small. Always something doing in store. Talk on Watts by Mr. Chase. Importance of tolerance. Questions. 34th St. show interesting. Some good crits, some tough, mine mostly the former. Had to ask what the